I can’t believe that there has been no posting since pre-election!

9 03 2009

Well, the new president is in office and making decisions each day.  Thank God he resended that BS restricting Stem Cell Research.  Other countries around the world are researching ways to save or enhance the lifestyle of those strickened with disease; why can’t we? 

As a Multiple Sclerosis survivor, personally I am very glad the scientists are able to get positive support.  Now our country can project the appearance of intellectual progress.

 WOW!  According to World Lingo.com Read the above carefully.


 The translation of English to Spanish back to English resulted in the following language deception: 


“Como sobreviviente de la esclerosis múltiple, personalmente estoy muy alegre los científicos puedo conseguir la ayuda positiva.  Ahora nuestro país puede proyectar el aspecto del progreso intelectual.  América” (http://www.worldlingo.com/SjGle6L45449DxLlhAaDnfIrHU1EywUUd/msowin11?service=WorldLingo_EN-ES&lcidFrom=1033&lcidTo=3082&lcidUI=1033&t=92D885AC-2248-AD90-D39D-CCB17477607F)


To: “Ace to Multiple survivor Sclerosis, personally I a.m. very glad the scientists plows able to get positive support.  Now our country intellectual dog project the appearance of progress.  America” (http://www.worldlingo.com/SjGle6L45449DxLlhAaDnfIrHU1EywUUd/msowin11?service=WorldLingo_ES-EN&lcidFrom=3082&lcidTo=1033&lcidUI=1033&t=45DD5DBC-318C-973B-4090-B784D88C9D29)


Another thing about the USA, I would like to say that I don’t mind paying for my school loans, especially having my disability income offset by the Federal Reserve.  WOW! What I would have rather had happen; if only one government employer would have interviewed me for just one of the positions that I applied for since 2005.  And, I graduated with a perfect GPA of 4.0.  Yes, I was ignored, and now the governments’ only alternative is to “OFFSET” my already “under poverty level” disability income. 


Accounting 101, “Please” aggressive collection policy can only be realized if there is a visible or tangible resource (or capital asset).  So “I the poor and sick” shall save the economic world by contributing (or giving back, robbing Peter to pay Paul) the tax money that I squandered by not even being allowed to work it off “with an all “A” grade point average.  What haters those Human Resource people the staffers, to think I was a staffer for GE.  And I couldn’t even get a job with the government; the college opportunity was a venture that increased my skill sets for greater employability since I was legitimately disabled.  Rather than capitalize upon my intellectual product I was by passed for a sure thing “a simple OFFSET”.  Now they can put me on the small percentage side of forever payments (or income).  Till I die.   



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