Check out Palin ( )

2 06 2011

Check out Sarah Palin’s website about her bus tour creating a Political Action Committee (PAC). Listening to her interview with Greta Van Susteren (Fox News) will give you a true sense of just how lost she is. Her campaign is about letting Americans recall what America was built on.  It never mentions the fact that the American Constitution was drafted by businessmen and not the rebels that fought for the idea of independence.  She speaks of the bill of rights; yet she doesn’t speak about how those individual rights were ignored because of the need to enslave Africans for the sake of monetary gain.  The America that she speaks of was an ideology instead of a true foundational commitment of freedom for all. She speaks of fostering the original America and how it will help to get our economy back on track, which is just another false notion.

Governments are corrupt and have always been.  It is a democracy that allows the people to vote in or out those individuals who may be corrupt.  In the American democracy term limits have been initiated to assist in the effort to minimize corruption.  Yet we all know; where ever there are large amounts of money there exists the possibility for corruption.  John McCain was never meant to be a President of the United States of America and Sarah Palin was the person to make sure that would not happen.  If that was not clear to all, then let the results of the 2008 Presidential campaign tell the story.

Her foreign policy is absolutely off the charts.  She bases most of it on who likes or dislikes America and that is not the objective. The objective of foreign policy is based upon business issues, like American trade policies.  Foreign policy
has always been about trade issues.  Not only American trade; but this is a matter for all countries that interact. If not for trading goods and services there would be no reason to interact.  Trading goods and services is also the basis for all economic policy (guns or butter; weapons or food).  In America the Federal Reserve is in control of all money; the way it is created and distributed.   When the gold standard was eliminated was when all of our financial and economic problems began.  Without a set amount of collateral to measure against there is no limit to the amount that can be created (err go the out of control spending, lending, and borrowing).

As time progressed and generations advanced historical facts are forgotten and ignored.  We as individuals should not take for fact all that is seen and heard via the
media.  Sarah Palin’s agenda (including the Tea Party) sounds repetitive of sound bites from the television.  If one would dare to research facts by reading actual historical data then her position would be discounted and the Tea Party would disappear.  Some people in this country seem to react based upon what is seen and heard; not what is factual.  We are fortunate to have a President who is Constitutional Professor, Harvard Law Graduate, and an African American; at
least he knows something about how and what this country is actually

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A preview paragraph from my book

2 12 2010

A bone chilling sorrowful plea for help, “Dear God, please somebody help me. Please somebody help my babies!” We were experiencing a horrifying event occurring in a moment of time; my brother and I tried to help, we fought with all our might, thinking, is he going to kill us too? Why do this to my mother? You’re not gonna get me and my baby brother too. Blinking my eyes, dark thick red blood drying on my skin, hearing angry voices, someone hitting the door, they are trying to knock it down. My mind reeling having witnessed a murder, my mother was dying right there before my eyes. Slashing, stabbing, cutting holes in her skin our eyes flecked with this horrifying sight. No consideration what so ever. I was eleven and my baby brother seven, the murderer ignored consequence. Our family, for generations to come, will be encroached upon by the circumstances when an angry, fearful, ignorant man decided to commit such a disastrous deed against my mother, my family, me and my baby brother.  Next a funeral, a trial, our life after the disastrous murder, how will our family survive without my mother?

Why Debate the Issue?

10 03 2009

The article written by Eric Gorski AP Religion Writer, Associated Press, highlights the theoretical perspective of life as perceived by a theological perspective.        Retrieved 3/9/2009 by sg Williams from: (

Did anyone thank God for creating the nature of inquisitiveness within the human mind.  If there were no investigation as to the why and how of life then where is the intellectual progress of the species to go (forward or backward)?  Living longer should be rewarding not a horrible nightmare.  And, if you were/are uncomfortable as a result of anomalous circumstances must we be penalized by lack of scientific progress? 


Those of you so unwilling to share or care for the newborns that may have been born into poverty, the elderly who are just too difficult and can’t remember, or those who are different because of illness and disease; “Not your tax dollars!” Your conservative moral high ground is of great contradiction to the behavior of the business market.  After all, this is a system that will allow a bank to predict the probability of risk (failure) assign it a higher interest rate, offer debt to the population predicted to fail, then squeeze that population until it just pops!  The bank and the credit bureau make it next to impossible to be productive.  The Credit Bureau takes away your ability to purchase within budget and the bank goes along with the total demise. 

Reason would predict that person A earns X$ and is able to pay Y amt of months, yielding Z amt of int.  If the income is low then apply benefit of the lower rates so person A can realize all payments in a timely manner. 

The bank risk department does not predict and loan based on ones ability to pay, all risk is based on the greatest amount of return in the shortest amount of time whether you can pay or not.  With greed based economic mentality our financial economy will always ebb and flow with depression, recession, equilibrium, productive and persevering.  The United States of America is at times a non-cooperative mixture of ideological soap boxes.  Taxes are suppose to be collected for the people by the people and those that call themselves “Conservative” want the taxes to be for the purpose of the King and Queen (sorry; we don’t  have a monarchy anymore, or do we). 

I can’t believe that there has been no posting since pre-election!

9 03 2009

Well, the new president is in office and making decisions each day.  Thank God he resended that BS restricting Stem Cell Research.  Other countries around the world are researching ways to save or enhance the lifestyle of those strickened with disease; why can’t we? 

As a Multiple Sclerosis survivor, personally I am very glad the scientists are able to get positive support.  Now our country can project the appearance of intellectual progress.

 WOW!  According to World Read the above carefully.


 The translation of English to Spanish back to English resulted in the following language deception: 


“Como sobreviviente de la esclerosis múltiple, personalmente estoy muy alegre los científicos puedo conseguir la ayuda positiva.  Ahora nuestro país puede proyectar el aspecto del progreso intelectual.  América” (


To: “Ace to Multiple survivor Sclerosis, personally I a.m. very glad the scientists plows able to get positive support.  Now our country intellectual dog project the appearance of progress.  America” (


Another thing about the USA, I would like to say that I don’t mind paying for my school loans, especially having my disability income offset by the Federal Reserve.  WOW! What I would have rather had happen; if only one government employer would have interviewed me for just one of the positions that I applied for since 2005.  And, I graduated with a perfect GPA of 4.0.  Yes, I was ignored, and now the governments’ only alternative is to “OFFSET” my already “under poverty level” disability income. 


Accounting 101, “Please” aggressive collection policy can only be realized if there is a visible or tangible resource (or capital asset).  So “I the poor and sick” shall save the economic world by contributing (or giving back, robbing Peter to pay Paul) the tax money that I squandered by not even being allowed to work it off “with an all “A” grade point average.  What haters those Human Resource people the staffers, to think I was a staffer for GE.  And I couldn’t even get a job with the government; the college opportunity was a venture that increased my skill sets for greater employability since I was legitimately disabled.  Rather than capitalize upon my intellectual product I was by passed for a sure thing “a simple OFFSET”.  Now they can put me on the small percentage side of forever payments (or income).  Till I die.   

Please Avoid Hillary Clinton for President

12 05 2008

And now the economy is such that the job market has been depleted by outsourcing and low cost immigrant labor.  The price of gasoline is so high that individuals with a low income job can no longer afford transportation cost.  Factor in those women who must transport children to school and/or day care; there is no way to afford fuel for a car, SUV, or Van. 

The idea that father’s are not connected with their children is a bunch of bull crap.  Fathers, before Bill Clinton came on the scene with this workforce investment fantasy, have always been at work caring for their families.  My Dad had his own business and we saw him before he went to work in the morning and on Sunday.  Fathers were present in the family in greater numbers before all this child support crap was promoted.  Some women use the Support Courts to punish a father who may have been unfaithful (a bad relationship where both individuals should have been more responsible before parenting).   

Hillary Clinton did not implement Comprehensive Health Care Plan when she was the president’s wife and she will not implement a Comprehensive Health Care Plan when she is president for the same reasons.  Neither Bill nor Hillary have a clue what goes on in the home of a low-income family (maybe Bill does, however he was able to overcome without government interference).  Bill Clinton and his big Idea to:  End welfare as we know it”.   This has become a horrible nightmare for an economy where jobs are leaving this country and a war is consuming tax money like a vortex.  Now instead of a welfare check the government is giving out stimulus checks.  Franklin D. Roosevelt worked very hard on creating a system where the economy would be preserved and Bill Clinton just destroyed it in one failed swoop.  (Was he in cahoots with the Republicans?) 

     Bill Clinton on Welfare & Poverty

Help Low-income Fathers Support their Children

The Administration’s budget proposes $255 million for the first year of a new “Fathers Work/Families Win” initiative to promote responsible fatherhood and support working families, critical next steps in reforming welfare and reducing child poverty. These new competitive grants will be awarded to business-led local and state workforce investment boards who work in partnership with community and faith-based organizations, and agencies administering child support, TANF, food stamps, and Medicaid, thereby connecting low-income fathers and working families to the life-long learning and employment services created under the Workforce Investment Act and delivered through one-stop career centers.

$125 million for new “Fathers Work” grants will help approximately 40,000 low-income non-custodial parents (mainly fathers) work, pay child support, and reconnect with their children.

Source: web site Sep 6, 2000

End welfare as we know it

On August 22, 1996, President Clinton signed the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act, fulfilling his longtime commitment to ‘end welfare as we know it.’ As the President said upon signing, “… this legislation provides an historic opportunity to end welfare as we know it and transform our broken welfare system by promoting the fundamental values of work, responsibility, and family.”

The law contains strong work requirements, performance bonuses to reward states for moving welfare recipients into jobs and reducing illegitimacy, state maintenance of effort requirements, comprehensive child support enforcement, and supports for families moving from welfare to work — including increased funding for child care. In May 1999, the Department of Health and Human Services released guidance on how states and local governments can use welfare block grant funds to help families move from welfare to work.

Source: web site Sep 6, 2000

Address Homelessness via federal, state, & county govt

President Clinton and Vice President Gore have been committed to helping homeless Americans become more self-sufficient. HUD alone has invested nearly $5 billion in programs to help homeless people since 1993 — more than three times the investment of the previous Administration. The Continuum of Care approach has helped more than 300,000 homeless people get housing and jobs to become self-sufficient. The Continuum of Care made clear that homelessness was more than simply a housing problem, and focused attention on long-term solutions which included housing as well as job training, drug treatment, mental health services, and domestic violence counseling. The Administration is also proposing to expand access to mainstream health, social services, and employment programs for which the homeless may be eligible through a new $10 million program administered by the Department of Health and Human Services, States, and large counties.

Source: HUD Statement before House Veteran’s Affairs Subcommittee Jun 24, 1999

Welfare-to-work, instead of welfare as a way of life

For 15 years, going back to my service as governor of Arkansas, I have worked to reform welfare, to make it a second chance and not a way of life. As a result, Arkansas became a national leader in reforming a wide range of family and welfare programs. I helped write the 1988 federal welfare reform bill.

[As president], we cut welfare red-tape and approved welfare-to-work programs for 40 states. And it has worked. There are 1.3 million fewer people on welfare today than there was when I took office. Food stamp rolls are down by more than 2 million.

In 1991, I said we needed to end welfare as we know it. Now, with the passage of new welfare reform legislation, we have an opportunity to establish a new system based on the following principles:

  1. It should be about moving people from welfare to work.
  2. It should impose time limits of welfare benefits.
  3. It should give people the child care and health care assistance they need to move from welfare to work without hurting their children.

Source: Between Hope and History, by Bill Clinton, p. 66-68 Jan 1, 1996

Welfare reform includes states, communities, & businesses

[My proposed welfare reform law] gives states and communities the chance to move people from dependence to independence and greater dignity. But the real work is still to be done. States and communities have to make sure that jobs and child care are there. They can use money that used to go to welfare checks to pay for community service jobs or to give employers wage supplements for several months to encourage them to hire welfare recipients. They should also provide education and training when appropriate and must take care of those who, through no fault of their own, cannot find or do work. These are important new responsibilities not just for welfare recipients, but for states, communities, and businesses. But is welfare reform is to work, all must shoulder their responsibilities.

This reform is just a beginning. We must implement this legislation in a way that truly moves people from welfare to work, and that is good for children. We will be refining this reform for some time to come.

Smoking Stinks & This is why U should “Just Quit”

5 05 2008

February 7th, 2008 was the day I became a believer.  Constantly you hear commercials cautioning against the evils of smoking cigarettes.  Those of us who are addicted to cigarette smoking (a dangerous habit) have a tendency to ignore the warnings.  Well, after having a heart attack and quadruple bypass surgery, I sorely know the consequences of smoking are real and I no longer smoke cigarettes. 


The pain of heart attack is not a specific symptom, who knew that facial pain was a warning.  My right jaw throbbed with unbearable pain; all I did was take a pain pill and meditated until the pain stopped.  That went on for at least 3 weeks until the pain moved into my neck; at that point I decided to call 911.  I have no recollection of the emergency room events; I woke up in a private room where my daughter notified me that I had a heart attack.  The doctors scheduled Angioplasty on the morning of the 8th, thereafter I was notified that bypass surgery was necessary and scheduled on the 11th.  Within five days my life was drastically changed, I am 3 months smoke free and working on the 3rd week of a 12 week Cardiac-Rehab Program (which I love).  By the way I forgot to mention that I also have Multiple Sclerosis.  My recovery to say the least has been somewhat difficult due to the MS mobility issues and the desire to just be motionless. 


Life is a struggle; we all are committed to experiencing adversity during our journey to the grave.  Now I am one of those people who can’t stand the smell of cigarette smoke.  I am so very sorry that I subjected my family and friends to that horrible smell.  My heart attack was like that V8 commercial that gives a pop to the head “should have had a V8”; I should have been more considerate to those who suffered my stupid habit.  With the time previously used to smoke I am pleasantly enjoying other more productive things like knitting and playing with my grandchildren.  I love breathing the fresh air, I love being able to exercise without becoming short of breath, and most of all I really like not being pressed to purchase those costly tobacco sticks. 


Be aware smoking stinks and it also can kill you.  If it doesn’t kill you it will make you damn uncomfortable.  

Tom Hanks endorses Obama for President

4 05 2008

Tom Hanks a consistently successful actor endorses Obama for the same reasons that I support Obama (it is nice to know someone else perceives the same as me).

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