Smoking Stinks & This is why U should “Just Quit”

5 05 2008

February 7th, 2008 was the day I became a believer.  Constantly you hear commercials cautioning against the evils of smoking cigarettes.  Those of us who are addicted to cigarette smoking (a dangerous habit) have a tendency to ignore the warnings.  Well, after having a heart attack and quadruple bypass surgery, I sorely know the consequences of smoking are real and I no longer smoke cigarettes. 


The pain of heart attack is not a specific symptom, who knew that facial pain was a warning.  My right jaw throbbed with unbearable pain; all I did was take a pain pill and meditated until the pain stopped.  That went on for at least 3 weeks until the pain moved into my neck; at that point I decided to call 911.  I have no recollection of the emergency room events; I woke up in a private room where my daughter notified me that I had a heart attack.  The doctors scheduled Angioplasty on the morning of the 8th, thereafter I was notified that bypass surgery was necessary and scheduled on the 11th.  Within five days my life was drastically changed, I am 3 months smoke free and working on the 3rd week of a 12 week Cardiac-Rehab Program (which I love).  By the way I forgot to mention that I also have Multiple Sclerosis.  My recovery to say the least has been somewhat difficult due to the MS mobility issues and the desire to just be motionless. 


Life is a struggle; we all are committed to experiencing adversity during our journey to the grave.  Now I am one of those people who can’t stand the smell of cigarette smoke.  I am so very sorry that I subjected my family and friends to that horrible smell.  My heart attack was like that V8 commercial that gives a pop to the head “should have had a V8”; I should have been more considerate to those who suffered my stupid habit.  With the time previously used to smoke I am pleasantly enjoying other more productive things like knitting and playing with my grandchildren.  I love breathing the fresh air, I love being able to exercise without becoming short of breath, and most of all I really like not being pressed to purchase those costly tobacco sticks. 


Be aware smoking stinks and it also can kill you.  If it doesn’t kill you it will make you damn uncomfortable.