Why Debate the Issue?

10 03 2009

The article written by Eric Gorski AP Religion Writer, Associated Press, highlights the theoretical perspective of life as perceived by a theological perspective.        Retrieved 3/9/2009 by sg Williams from: (http://broadband.zoomtown.com/news/read.php?id=16959196&ps=1018&srce=news_class&action=5&lang=en&_LT=UNLC_NKNWU00L5_UNEWS&page=1)

Did anyone thank God for creating the nature of inquisitiveness within the human mind.  If there were no investigation as to the why and how of life then where is the intellectual progress of the species to go (forward or backward)?  Living longer should be rewarding not a horrible nightmare.  And, if you were/are uncomfortable as a result of anomalous circumstances must we be penalized by lack of scientific progress? 


Those of you so unwilling to share or care for the newborns that may have been born into poverty, the elderly who are just too difficult and can’t remember, or those who are different because of illness and disease; “Not your tax dollars!” Your conservative moral high ground is of great contradiction to the behavior of the business market.  After all, this is a system that will allow a bank to predict the probability of risk (failure) assign it a higher interest rate, offer debt to the population predicted to fail, then squeeze that population until it just pops!  The bank and the credit bureau make it next to impossible to be productive.  The Credit Bureau takes away your ability to purchase within budget and the bank goes along with the total demise. 

Reason would predict that person A earns X$ and is able to pay Y amt of months, yielding Z amt of int.  If the income is low then apply benefit of the lower rates so person A can realize all payments in a timely manner. 

The bank risk department does not predict and loan based on ones ability to pay, all risk is based on the greatest amount of return in the shortest amount of time whether you can pay or not.  With greed based economic mentality our financial economy will always ebb and flow with depression, recession, equilibrium, productive and persevering.  The United States of America is at times a non-cooperative mixture of ideological soap boxes.  Taxes are suppose to be collected for the people by the people and those that call themselves “Conservative” want the taxes to be for the purpose of the King and Queen (sorry; we don’t  have a monarchy anymore, or do we).