Check out Palin ( )

2 06 2011

Check out Sarah Palin’s website about her bus tour creating a Political Action Committee (PAC). Listening to her interview with Greta Van Susteren (Fox News) will give you a true sense of just how lost she is. Her campaign is about letting Americans recall what America was built on.  It never mentions the fact that the American Constitution was drafted by businessmen and not the rebels that fought for the idea of independence.  She speaks of the bill of rights; yet she doesn’t speak about how those individual rights were ignored because of the need to enslave Africans for the sake of monetary gain.  The America that she speaks of was an ideology instead of a true foundational commitment of freedom for all. She speaks of fostering the original America and how it will help to get our economy back on track, which is just another false notion.

Governments are corrupt and have always been.  It is a democracy that allows the people to vote in or out those individuals who may be corrupt.  In the American democracy term limits have been initiated to assist in the effort to minimize corruption.  Yet we all know; where ever there are large amounts of money there exists the possibility for corruption.  John McCain was never meant to be a President of the United States of America and Sarah Palin was the person to make sure that would not happen.  If that was not clear to all, then let the results of the 2008 Presidential campaign tell the story.

Her foreign policy is absolutely off the charts.  She bases most of it on who likes or dislikes America and that is not the objective. The objective of foreign policy is based upon business issues, like American trade policies.  Foreign policy
has always been about trade issues.  Not only American trade; but this is a matter for all countries that interact. If not for trading goods and services there would be no reason to interact.  Trading goods and services is also the basis for all economic policy (guns or butter; weapons or food).  In America the Federal Reserve is in control of all money; the way it is created and distributed.   When the gold standard was eliminated was when all of our financial and economic problems began.  Without a set amount of collateral to measure against there is no limit to the amount that can be created (err go the out of control spending, lending, and borrowing).

As time progressed and generations advanced historical facts are forgotten and ignored.  We as individuals should not take for fact all that is seen and heard via the
media.  Sarah Palin’s agenda (including the Tea Party) sounds repetitive of sound bites from the television.  If one would dare to research facts by reading actual historical data then her position would be discounted and the Tea Party would disappear.  Some people in this country seem to react based upon what is seen and heard; not what is factual.  We are fortunate to have a President who is Constitutional Professor, Harvard Law Graduate, and an African American; at
least he knows something about how and what this country is actually

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